Friday 12 April 2019

Gumboot friday!

Hi guys, Rio here today I am blogging about Gumboot Friday. If you want to know about gumboot friday, gumboot friday is to raise money for people with not positive mental health people with nonpositive mental health suffer from not believing in themselves. Take this for example when they don’t go out of bed because they don’t think they can go through a day mental health is about your feelings. On gumboot friday (5th of april) we made some cards to support people who had non positive  mental health they were also meant to uplift people which worked because someone called Sally and the women on the other end was teary because her son had some non positive mental health so they were uplifting. Some cards had quotes on them supportive quotes. This idea came from a student that did a form called “Healthy Puketapapa student questionnaire” (Neeve) she wrote why don’t we write letters to people and post them? We did that in eight groups and posted them. This related to our goal for the year Hauora-Well Being because wellbeing is helping people out and doing good choices and we did that with those letters. I think that we should do this every term so then people that feel down again will feel better. Here are some photos↓
Bye! Blog you later!

Friday 5 April 2019

The Tread Lightly caravan

The Tread Lightly caravan😀
If you want to know what I am talking about and you're thinking right now "what is the Tread Lightly caravan?" Well I will tell you, the caravan is about helping the environment and other things like drains and waterways. We learned that wet lands slow down water. It also stops a bit of tsunamis like if it rains a lot on the mountains and come down its muddy right? Well the wetlands slow the water down and clean it so that's how they slow down a small tsunami. We also went on a hunt to find out how many drains are in our school, my team got to 42. When we came back inside we talked to each other and added everyone's numbers with another groups then added it again this was the equation 42+51+48+61=202. We also got to do some VR, we watched three videos. Once we finished we said thank you and then went off. 
I have some photos have a look↓ 
See ya! Blog you later😃!